Product Information
The Apache on the left brandishes a Richards conversion (to brass cased ammunition) 1860 Army Colt and a lethal stone headed club. These Apache clubs were a clever bit of stone-age technology which had the stone head 'free-floating' from the wooden shaft, the whole being wrapped in rawhide shrunk to fit to give extra impetus to the blow. The other 3 are armed with 1873 army Springfield carbines, 2 carry revolvers in holsters, all have knives. Three of these wear waistcoats (vests) and shirts and pants - which were usually white long under-draws - beneath their breech clouts. The other (3rd from left, is bare-legged and wears shirt and breech-clout only. To use any of these as army scouts, paint their head-cloth red, although dedicated army scouts will be added later. There were occasions when more Apache scouts were in the field in pursuit of 'renegades' than regular soldiers.